April 14 2023 WorkSafe Module 4

What potential hazards exist in a class setting or other classes in the school?

What hazards could be created in a class setting or other classes due to unsafe practices or poor safety procedures?

Hazard Picture Assessment - Review each picture - what are the hazards evident in each picture as linked.

On Board:

See It - (Recognize) What is unsafe? 

Think It - (Evaluate) Why is it unsafe?

Do It - (Control) What must be done to make it safe? 

Group Work Assignment. x 4 Groups


*Scenario 1 - we will do as a class. Art 1. 

Each group will be assigned 2 scenarios to assess. 

Groups are to complete 1 Scenario Worksheet for each scenario assigned. Total 2. Please ensure that you have a min of 2-3 bullets per section. All names of your group on your 2 worksheets to hand in.

Be prepped to present your answers to the class! 

Viewing of - 

Safety In The Domestic Kitchen - Food Technology


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